How To: Get Rid of Cradle Cap Naturally
Have you been searching for a natural solution to your baby’s Cradle Cap? Look no further; GSL Organics has the answer to your problem with our Organic Calendula Salve. Consider it your Cradle Cap Salve!
Aside from the scalp - which is the most common form of Cradle Cap, hence the name - it can also show up behind the ears, on the eyebrows, on the back of the neck, areas where the skin folds, and the best salve for the diaper area.
The exact causes of Cradle Cap are unknown, but it breaks down to the body producing too much sebum in the oil glands and hair follicles. A type of yeast, known as Malassezia, may also be a contributing factor to Cradle Cap. Cradle Cap shows up as scaly or flaky patches, yellowish in color with greasy patches, and even red and moist in skin folds.
Below are our recommendations to naturally remove and prevent Cradle Cap from coming back.
For Cradle Cap on the scalp:
1. Wash your baby’s hair one a day with a mild, tear-free shampoo. Choose one without fragrance.
2. Apply GSL Organics Calendula Salve to the scalp and allow to sit for a few minutes while your baby plays in the bath.
3. Using a soft toothbrush or a soft bristle hair brush, gently begin removing scales. Don’t worry if you are unable to remove all scales in a single bath; just repeat each day until they are gone.
4. After bath, gently dry scalp and apply a thin layer of GSL Organics Calendula Salve to the scalp to soothe the skin.
For Cradle Cap in other areas of the body:
1. Before your baby’s bath, apply GSL Organics Calendula Salve to any areas that are affected by Cradle Cap.
2. Using a soft toothbrush or a soft bristle hair brush, gently begin removing scales. Don’t worry if you are unable to remove all in a single bath; just repeat each day until they are gone.
3. After bath, gently dry skin completely (pat dry in areas where you have brushed away scales). Then apply a thin layer of GSL Organics Calendula Salve to the areas that you have brushed to soothe the skin.
GSL Organics Organic Calendula Salve is safe and gently for as needed for everyday use. Our Organic Calendula Salve will help to soothe skin and speed up healing time. Sometimes Cradle Cap in the diaper area can lead to an infection. Contact your doctor immediately if the rash worsens or if you see any signs of infection (skin looks red, starts to drain fluids or feels warm to the touch).
The good news is Cradle Cap isn’t forever! It usually gets better by 12 months of age, but can still continue for years to come. We hope our natural method to remove Cradle Cap will be the answer to your problem. Please write us if you’ve tried our method! We love hearing stories of how our products have made a difference in your life.